Info website beasiswa 😊😊
1. Australia Award Scholarship (
2. LPDP Scholarship (
3. DIKTI Scholarship
a. Dalam Negeri (
b. Luar Negeri (
a. Dalam Negeri (
b. Luar Negeri (
4. Turkey Government Scholarship (
5. General Cultural Scholarship India (
7. Netherland Government Scholarship (
8. Korean Government Scholarship (…)
9. Belgium Government Scholarship (
10. Israel Government Scholarship
11. Sciences Po France (…/the-emile-boutmy-scholars…)
12. Utrecht University Netherland ( students/en/financialmatters/grantsandscholarships/Pages/utrechtexcellencescholarships.aspx)
13. Prasetya Mulya Business School Indonesia (
14. Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship
15. Monbugakusho Scholarship Japan (
16. Paramadina University Master Fellowship Indonesia
17. PPM School of Management Indonesia
18. University of Twente Netherland
Sumber:pendidikan indonesia